Live Webinar

“Fundamentals of Export Compliance”

July 2017
1:00pm – 2:30pm ET
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  • Small Business Development Center Global Dreams (July 2017—Mesa, AZ)

U.S. export sales recently grew 48% over a five-year period and now exceeds $2.35 trillion.  That’s a lot of zeros – are you getting your piece of the global pie?  If you are already exporting or thinking about it for 2017, this workshop series is for you.  The Maricopa SBDC is pleased to present its inaugural Global Dreams Export Development Workshop Series.

President and CEO
Melissa Proctor has been advising companies for nearly 25 years on the full range of issues involving the customs laws and regulations, export controls, embargoes and economic sanctions compliance, anti-corruption/anti-bribery compliance, and other government agency requirements relating to the cross-border movement of goods, information and services.
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