USTR Notifies Congress that USMCA Will Enter into Force on July 1st

Today (April 24, 2020), U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer notified Congress that Canada, Mexico and the United States have taken measures necessary to comply with their commitments under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), and therefore the Agreement will enter into force on July 1, 2020. The USMCA is the successor agreement to the North American […]
USTR Requests Petitions from North American Auto Producers to Use Alternative Staging Regime for the USMCA Rules of Origin

On April 21, 2020, USTR published a Request for Petitions from North American automotive producers of passenger vehicles and light trucks for an alternative to the standard staging regime for the rules of origin for automotive goods under the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), that will soon replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Petitions must […]
USTR Submits the 2020 Trade Policy and Annual Report to Congress

On February 28, 2020, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) submitted President Trump’s 2020 Trade Policy Agenda and Annual Report to Congress. The 300-page report details how the Administration’s follow-through on promises made to change U.S. trade policy has resulted in an economic “blue-collar boom” with higher wages, more jobs and a stronger economy. The report […]
And Then There Were Three: The U.S., Mexico and Canada Agree to Sign the New USMCA

Canada just joined the United States and Mexico in agreeing to sign on to a modernized NAFTA, which will become known as the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (“USMCA”). The U.S. and Mexico entered their agreement a little over a month ago, and there was a concerted push to conclude the agreement (with or without Canada) before Mexican […]
The Game of Chicken Continues – Latest Developments in the Section 301 Tariffs & China

[September 24, 2018] On September 24th, the third set of tariffs imposed against certain Chinese-origin goods valued at $200 billion went into effect. By way of background, the United States has imposed a series of increased tariffs under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 as the result of an investigation into China’s practice […]
USTR Publishes Specific Exclusion Request Process for the List 2 Tariffs against China

[September 18, 2018] Earlier today, the USTR published a Notice and Request for Comments in the Federal Register with respect to the product specific exclusion request process for the Section 301 tariffs that went into effect on August 23, 2018. Interested persons may submit exclusion requests to the USTR until December 18, 2018. Per the […]
List 3 Tariffs under Section 301 Action against China Slated to Take Effect on September 24th

On September 17th, the USTR issued the final list of items that will be subject to the new set of tariffs to be imposed under the Section 301 action against China. On the same day, the President issued a statement that the new tariffs will go into effect on September 24, 2018. List 3 covers […]
Upcoming ECTI Webinar on September 12th: Understanding the Tariff Wars
Date/Time: September 12, 2018, 1:00-2:30pm EDT May You Live in Interesting Times. Page through any history book and you will find that the most intriguing and compelling eras were those filled with turmoil, confusion, and uncertainty. But the people living back then, like many of today’s importers, manufacturers, and retailers, would most certainly have traded those […]
NAFTA Is Dead – Long Live the “U.S. – Mexico Trade Agreement” in Principle?

Today, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that the United States and Mexico reached a “preliminary agreement in principle,” subject to finalization and implementation, to update the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The USTR stated that the preliminary accord contains “modern provisions representing a 21st century, high-standard agreement.” The agreement, which will […]
Who Will Blink—U.S. or China? U.S. Proposes to Retaliate against China’s Retaliatory Measures

The U.S. appears to be moving deeper into its trade dispute with China. Late in the day on July 11th, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that the United States may impose additional 10% ad valorem duties on an entirely new list of Chinese-origin goods valued at $200 billion. The new list covers certain Chinese […]