U.S. Commerce Department Launches Section 232 Investigation into Imports of Uranium

Today, the Commerce Department initiated an investigation under Section 232 of the of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 of imports of Uranium into the United States. Specifically, the investigation will examine whether the present quantity and circumstances of uranium ore and uranium product imports into the United States threaten to impair national security. The […]
Who Will Blink—U.S. or China? U.S. Proposes to Retaliate against China’s Retaliatory Measures

The U.S. appears to be moving deeper into its trade dispute with China. Late in the day on July 11th, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that the United States may impose additional 10% ad valorem duties on an entirely new list of Chinese-origin goods valued at $200 billion. The new list covers certain Chinese […]
President Trump Issues Proclamations on Aluminum and Steel Tariffs

President Trump issued two Presidential Proclamations on March 8, 2018 increasing the import tariff on certain articles of steel and aluminum. The proclamations were issued in response to the Section 232 Reports that were submitted by the Commerce Department to the President in January 2018 in accordance with the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as […]
Cheers to Lower Federal Excise Taxes on Imports of Beer, Wine and Distilled Spirits!

On December 22, 2017, “The Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act” (“the Act”), was signed into law by President Trump making significant changes to the federal excise tax rates assessed on wines, distilled spirits and beer. The Act formally went into effect on January 1, 2018 and benefits the beer, wine and spirits industries […]