Customs Announces Additional 45-day Transition Period For Compliance With New Country Of Origin Marking Requirements For Imported Goods Produced In Hong Kong

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued a CSMS Message on August 21st (CSMS #43729326) announcing a new 45-day transition period for compliance with the new country of origin marking requirements for imported goods that are products of Hong Kong. CBP has decided to give importers more time to comply with the new requirements and is extending […]
CBP Consider 56 Comments Submitted In Response To Proposed Amendments To The Customs Brokers Regulations

CBP recently closed the comment period on its proposed changes to the customs brokers regulations in 19 CFR Part 111. A total of fifty-six (56) comments were submitted—most were concerned with ambiguity in the proposed regulatory language, while others suggested substantive amendments. CBP will evaluate the comments and decide whether to make further changes before […]
CBP Proposes to Begin Disclosing Details of Imported Counterfeit Merchandise that Has Been Voluntarily Abandoned to Registered Trademark Owners

On August 27th, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register to amend Sections 127 and 133 of the Customs Regulations to permit the notify trademark owners, whose trademarks have been registered with the Patent and Trademark Office and recorded with CBP, when imported, counterfeit merchandise has […]
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Provides Guidance on Applicability of Section 301 Tariffs to Imported Retail Sets

In response to questions on Section 301 posed by the National Customs Broker and Forwarder Association of America (“NCBFAA”), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) recently stated that— The Section 301 tariffs on Chinese-origin goods will not apply to articles that are imported into the United States as part of a set provided that the set itself […]
New Developments in the Section 232 Tariffs on Imports of Steel and Aluminum Products

The last two weeks ushered in several significant developments relating to the increased tariffs under Section 232 on certain steel and aluminum products. U.S. importers and manufacturers of affected products, raw materials, parts and components should take note of the following key developments and new import filing requirements— A Presidential Proclamation under Section 232 of […]
Cheers to Lower Federal Excise Taxes on Imports of Beer, Wine and Distilled Spirits!

On December 22, 2017, “The Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act” (“the Act”), was signed into law by President Trump making significant changes to the federal excise tax rates assessed on wines, distilled spirits and beer. The Act formally went into effect on January 1, 2018 and benefits the beer, wine and spirits industries […]